We have a school uniform to help promote a sense of togetherness and belonging.
Our school colours are Navy blue and white. We require all children, while at school, to wear school uniform or school colours. Although we have no school policy for coats, we do not permit hooded sweatshirts or baseball caps to be worn indoors, nor are bandanas acceptable.
Sensible shoes must be worn and, for safety reasons, no backless shoes are permitted.
Uniform and book bags can be purchased online at: www.myclothing.com
It is important that all clothes are clearly marked with your child’s name.
Girls: Black skirt or trousers, pinafore dress or navy and white summer dress
Boys: Black or grey trousers or shorts
Boys and girls: White shirt or polo shirt. School sweatshirt or plain navy sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper.
PE kit
Physical Education (PE) is a compulsory part of the curriculum and it is important that children are dressed correctly. Indoor and outdoor lessons are also planned throughout the year. A PE kit must contain:
plimsolls or trainers
tracksuit or top and leggings for outdoor work
swimming costume and cap for children in Year 5
Jewellery is not permitted. Children will be required to remove studs or tape over them during PE. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage of items of jewellery or watches. Religious jewellery that does not pose any health and safety concerns can be worn once it has been discussed with the class teacher.