Volunteering and Work Experience

The following information details voluntary and work experience opportunities we offer during the school term.

We offer short term voluntary opportunities for people who want to get back into work and parents of children in the school, who want to support the school by becoming a volunteer.

As volunteering provides good experience for future job opportunities and career development, we aim to accommodate for this – from opportunities to help in the school library to supporting group activities in the classroom.

We work with local Secondary schools and Colleges to provide work experience for Year 10 to Year 13 students. 

Secondary school and College students can apply for work experience placements here by contacting the school directly or through their own school/college human resources department.

Work experience positions are limited and subject to availability. 

If you would like to find out more information or apply, please email your interest to, admin@southgroveprimary.com for the attention of Tara Welch, Assistant Head Teacher.